Our specialist child lawyers have the experience and expertise to guide you through the process of adopting a child.

Adoption involves the creation of the parent and child relationship by the court. When adopted, a child is treated in law as the child of the adopter, as if he or she has never been the child of any other person.

We understand how difficult the adoption process can be and aim to make it as straightforward as possible whether adopting a child in the UK or abroad.

Sarah Lilley, accredited child law specialist and partner

Increasingly, parents are looking to international adoption or adoption orders being made in other countries to complete their families. The rules relating to international adoptions are complex and this is a highly specialist area of law which can involve immigration and regulatory issues. Our immigration experts are on hand to supplement our advice on adopting a child from abroad.

Our family lawyers can provide you with guidance and representation in a private adoption; help you decide whether adoption is appropriate to your circumstances; advise all individuals and agencies involved in the adoption process and advise on other child-related orders such as residence, permanence and parental orders.

Adoption key highlights icon

Adoption key highlights

  • Lisa Girdwood is Accredited by the Law Society of Scotland as a Specialist in Child Law.
  • Shaun George handles the full range of child law matters, including international abduction, contact orders and child residence disputes, as highlighted by Legal 500 2020.
  • Find out more on our dedicated family law FAQ page.
  • With a team in Inverness we support clients across the Highlands and beyond, including Shetland, Orkney, Speyside, the Isle of Skye and the Western Isles.

This firm has multiple capabilities that are readily available to its clients. Extremely professional front line and support staff. Friendly, empathetic and exceptionally knowledgeable.

Legal 500 UK 2021

Get in touch with a member of our Family team 

Our divorce lawyers, family solicitors and mediators are personable and approachable. Our objective is to resolve matters for you as efficiently as possible, so that we can get the best outcome for you and your family.

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